Do you ever feel like every one is going one way but you're looking the other way?
You're being pulled along by the streams of life but think maybe you should swim against the current instead.
Don't be afraid.
Taking that first step into the unknown could be the best thing you've ever done.

I'm not trying to have a discussion about morality here. I mean things that may seem trivial but could determine the course of your entire life.
-All of your friends are applying to the same college(s) but it's not really the school for you, or maybe college isn't the right road at all.-
-Your friends are into the dating scene and always looking for their next relationship but you'd really rather just focus on your career.-
-Everyone around you seems to be announcing their pregnancies but you just don't feel ready for that, even though the "world" thinks it's past time.-
Don't make a decision based on what your friends are doing unless it feels right for you. What is right for them won't always be right for you. That doesn't make anyone *wrong* and it doesn't mean that you aren't "real" friends. If anything it means that you've found a true friend if they can support you even when your roads differ. The older I get (and I know I'm not that old) I appreciate that my friends are not all carbon copies of each other. Yes there are things we bond over that brought us together and keep us close. But it is our differences that make our conversations meaningful.
I have friends that work behind a desk all day and friends that literally travel the world.
I have friends that teach children in schools and friends who teach their own children at home.
I have friends working on masters & doctorate degrees and friends who never want to go to school again.
I have friends who wear a full face of makeup everyday and friends who couldn't tell you the difference in a liquid lipstick and a lip-stain.
I have friends who consider themselves profoundly feminist, those who are traditionalist and everywhere in between.
I have friends on both ends of the political aisle on more issues than one.
I have Star Wars friends, Star Trek friends, and friends who don't know the difference.
On paper we are worlds apart but in all the important ways we are the same. I think it makes us all better people for having known one another. We celebrate each others accomplishments no matter how different they are than our own. We also grieve deeply with each other in times of heartache and struggle.

Take the road less traveled because it is your road.
Taking the road less traveled doesn't mean you leave anything behind but that you make your life more full by what you discover on the way,