Do you ever have those moments where a memory catches you off guard?
This week I experienced one such moment that swept me off my feet and overwhelmed me with emotion. I am not musically inclined in the slightest, I don't even listen to music in the car that often (unless it's Christmas season and then it's Christmas carols on continual repeat). I prefer listening to podcasts or talk radio. But many of my friends throughout my life have had a much different relationship with music. Because of that many of my memories are attached to a particular song or album.
On this particular day, as I was getting ready, I felt the urge to turn on some music to break up the silence of the morning. I asked Google to play music by Pentatonix. To my surprise Pentatonix did not come out of the speaker, nor did any other accapella song. No, Google played me "For Good" from the musical Wicked. This is one of those songs that's not only tied to a memory but specific people, my people.
As the song played and I began to sing along quietly to myself the tears came. Not necessarily tears of sadness, though there was a twinge of sadness for the youth that is so quickly slipping away.
But tears of Thankfulness.
I was thankful for how many happy memories I had of my friends and that stage of our lives.
Thankful for friendships that grow with you.
Thankful for a support system that never fails to lift me up when I need them most.
Thankful for conversations that pick up right where they were left off, whether it's been 1 week or 1 year.
Thankful for the honesty they provide, even when it's brutal, that I need to hear.
Thankful for the different life stages we have experienced together.
When the song was over, and I had nearly ruined the makeup I had been working on, I turned off the speakers. I didn't need any more songs that day. It felt almost like I was sent a sign. A sign to remember that no matter how far we roam, or how old we grow, our memories will keep us together.
Because I could not spend a morning crying alone I texted those people and let them know what happened so that they would have to experience it with me. And in true friendship fashion they didn't miss a beat. It's been 7 years since we've been in each others daily presence. We've attended 3 different colleges, earned 5 1/2 different degrees (ones still in progress), had 4 weddings, and welcomed one little baby (and a plethora of pets-I think the count is up to at least 7) but the love I feel for each of them is just as strong as it has ever been. My thankfulness for them though, and for that time has grown, and continues to grow the longer I live.
Some people come into your life and stay for a season and others remain until the very end. One type of friend is not more important than another, each of them molds your life in a way that you may not see for years to come. I was reminded of that this week and while I don't normally participate in the "days of thanks" posts on facebook and other social media, consider this my contribution. Cherish your friendships today and everyday.
"I've heard it said That people come into our lives for a reason Bringing something we must learn And we are led To those who help us most to grow If we let them And we help them in return Well, I don't know if I believe that's true But I know I'm who I am today Because I knew you...
Who can say if I've been Changed for the better?

Because I knew you... I have been changed for good..."